This is a very special product for cigar lovers. Davidoff brand has revealed its first line of Nicaragua cigar, called Davidoff Nicaragua. The 100 percentage Puro Nicaraguan blend consists of Nicaragua Seed Habano Rosado which is wrapped in a beautiful brown color, with a blindfold and a mixture of Jalapa tobacco from Esteli, Condega and Ometempe that cigar connoisseurs can enjoy the sweet and bitter notes.
The cigar starts with white peppery notes complemented typical stimulation of Nicaragua. After that, it becomes gentler, giving a level of sweetness flavor of roasted coffee and dark bitter chocolate. Before the last smoke cigars additionally builds your experience and provide a balance that is synonymous with the brand.
The Davidoff Nicaragua will have three formats, Toro, Robusto and Corona Short. It will have new accessories such as a cutter made of sharp stainless steel. Also, there will be available there’s the ergonomic lighter, Jetflame Nicaragua. All of this will be in stores from mid-September.