Lamborghini ends this year with style by launching its new 88 Tauri smartphone. We already seen many luxury smartphones with insanely high price tag which offer just great looks, but without decent specifications. In this case, the 88 Tauri boasts not only luxurious look, but also cutting-edge specs. For the price of £3,815 ($ 6,000), you’ll get stunning device with a 5″ Full HD display, Snapdragon 801 processor, 3GB of RAM, 20MP rear-facing camera, 8MP front-facing camera, a 3,400mAh battery, 64GB of internal storage, and it should come running Android 4.4+.
The phone is made of steel (Gold, Black or plain) and leather (Black, Blue, Red, Orange or Brown), complete with hand-embroidered stitches. On its backside, you will find the well-known Lamborghini logo. The 88 Tauri is limited to only 1947 pieces, to commemorate the birth year of the founder of the company.